Saturday, March 24, 2012

Israel Preview

In case you haven't heard, Jon & I traveled across the ocean to Israel in early March with some other members of the Pine Cove family.  We hope to publish several videos of our adventures there, but for now here's a small taste of the trip...

Be on the lookout for more episodes from the Holy Land!

Signing off in Hebrew (kind of)..."Lila Tov!"

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Neon Dynamite!!

Ladies and Gentlemen!

In honor of the upcoming Tyler Amateur City-League Co-Ed Intramural Softball season (or as we like to call it the T.A.C.L.C.E.I.S.), we've put together a compilation of last season's highlights... (actually it's just highlights from a single game that Jon happened to attend). So prepare for sports like you've never seen them before!!!

Neon Dynamite begins again March 13th!!! If you're within 13 hours driving distance, it's totally worth your time to come see a game (on Tuesdays and Thursdays).

Signing off in the immortal words of Stephen Decatur, "Our country, in dealing with other countries may she always be in the right; but is still our country right or wrong."  (Ranch summer staff joke.)

Friday, February 10, 2012

"Lake" Day... again!

Dear Friends and Faithful Followers of Our Vlog (Video Blog),

Have a great day!

J & J

In the words of Matt Murphy... "Shut your face!"